
Editing single pixels of raster layer in ArcMap with just a few clicks

Editing single pixels of a raster layer is a common task in daily GIS and RS practice. For example

  • Removing misclassified pixels from a land cover classification result

  • Creating a set of multiple raster layers with minor difference for model simulation

  • etc.

In ArcMap we use Raster Calculator and Reclassification tool as many instructions suggest. However, these tools are designed to edit the layer as a whole and they are not flexible enough for minor modification. If ArcMap allows us to edit single features of a vector layer, why we cannot edit single pixels of a raster layer in ArcMap? That is the reason why the project ArcMap Raster Edit Suite (ARES) starts. It aims at providing an ArcMAp Add-In with tools to allows single raster pixels editing, just like what we can do with the vector layer. Flexible, quick and neat!

Download and Install

This project is hosted and published at GitHub. You can download the installation file at Here

After the download finishes, you need to choose the installation file that matches the ArcMap on your computer because this Add-In support ArcMap 10.0/10.1/10.2. There are two files in the folder and ARES.esriAddin is what you need:

Double click and you could see the installation wizard.

Just click Install Add-In and then you get it.

Raster Editor Toolbar

Now you have a new toolbar Raster Editor installed in your ArcMap.

This toolbar includes following tools:

  • : **Select & Edit**, which is used to select pixels for editing.
  • : **Identify**, which is used to select pixels in order to get their values, row/column indexes and zonal statistics.
  • : **Go To Pixel**, which is used to locate pixel with given row and column index.

The purpose of this toolbar is to provide tools for precise modification with known row and column index.

Step by Step: Editing Raster Layer

In this section, I am going to show a brief guide on how to edit single pixels of raster layer in ArcMap.

  • First of all, we have the layer imported in ArcMap.

  • Then start the editing section at the Start Editor menu by clicking Start Editing button. You can only edit one raster layer at one time. If there are more than one raster layers in ArcMap, there will be a prompt-up window to let you choose one.

  • Click the Select & Edit button to activate the tool.

  • Click or drag a region of interest on the layer to selected pixels. All selected pixels will be highlighted on the map with a blue frame. Noted that selecting too much pixels may lead to crash of ArcMap.

  • Edit values of selected pixel at the Raster Edit Window. All edits will be highlighted on the map with a yellow symbol.

Make sure your input value is compatible with the pixel type of the raster layer. Any pixel left blank will be considered as NoData Pixel.

  • Save edits to the raster file using Save Edits button on the Raster Editor menu. If you want to save edits to a new file, click the Save Edits As button. You will see the change of layer right after refreshing the ArcMap.
  • Stop the editing section by clicking Stop Editing button.

Now you finish the editing section and get the desired result.

Why there is only one toolbar in the suite?

Well, we are working on anther toolbar so that we can make it a real tool suite. Please have a visit on our project page later.

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